
Our reward token within the Love Monster ecosystem


Love Monster Tokens ($LMT) serve as the cornerstone reward token within our Ecosystem, functioning as a 'soft currency' that is essential to the core gameplay loops. This designation ensures that $LMT is both accessible and easily earned by players during their in-game experiences, fostering an engaging and dynamic environment for users.

Furthermore, our MonsterHub incorporates sophisticated burn mechanisms that are designed to maintain a balanced and healthy ecosystem. These mechanisms are integrated into certain upgrades and specific in-game uses, where spending $LMT will permanently remove a portion of the currency from circulation. This process helps regulate the supply of $LMT, preventing inflation and ensuring its value remains stable over time.

By carefully managing the flow and utility of Love Monster Tokens within our ecosystem, we aim to create a rewarding and sustainable experience for all players, encouraging long-term engagement and investment in the game.

Acquiring $LMT:

Love Monster Token Packs. These tokens are unique to our platform and can be traded on our dedicated Marketplace. The concept mirrors the sale of in-game credits common in many video games, but uniquely, we empower users to sell these tokens directly to others, enhancing the gaming and trading experience.

In-Game Utility:

For those eager to dive into Love Monster: Arena of Legends and truly embrace the play-to-earn concept, $LMT is essential. To participate in our ruthless mode, compete against other players, and engage in winner-takes-all battles.

Furthermore, $LMT is integral for a variety of in-game activities. It can be staked to generate Energy $NRG which is an in-game resource, vital for numerous functions within our ecosystem and across our games. This includes accelerating your Love Monsters' leveling process, replenishing their stamina, enabling various crafting blueprints, and other significant uses in The Monsterverse, such as reducing build times.

Additionally, $LMT is the currency for the Wheel of Love in Love Vegas. A spin costs 50 $LMT, offering the chance to win fantastic prizes or even the jackpot.

Staking or burning $LMT is the exclusive method for obtaining NRG, a critical resource in the core loop of our games, underscoring the token's substantial value. Once The Monsterverse is live, Players will be able to actively participate in the ecosystem by selling resources and other in-game items for $LMT within our Peer-to-Peer marketplace. This feature not only encourages player interaction but also enhances the overall utility and circulation of $LMT, making it a central element of our game's economy. Compete in burn races to earn airdrops, rewards and unique NFTs via giveaways.

Burn Mechanics:

In our ecosystem, whenever a user exchanges $LMT for $NRG, the entire amount of $LMT involved in the transaction is irrevocably burned. This mechanism directly contributes to reducing the circulating supply of $LMT, further ensuring its scarcity and value.

We are also excited to introduce Burn Tournaments, a novel feature designed to incentivize players to actively participate in the ecosystem by burning $LMT. Participants can burn their tokens to unlock access to prize pools, receive airdrops, and claim exclusive NFTs. This not only enhances player engagement but also serves as an effective method for managing the token's supply.

When a user spends 50 $LMT to spin the Wheel of Love, 10 of that $LMT is allocated to the jackpot, enriching the potential rewards for all participants. The remaining 40 $LMT is transferred to the Love Monster treasury. We plan to burn a substantial portion of the treasury's incoming proceeds each day, further contributing to the deflationary pressure on the $LMT supply and enhancing the overall value of the token within our ecosystem.

Last updated